Marine/ Automotive Upholstery and Supplies
305 South St, Plymouth Ct 06782
Click here to view our google pictures of our latest finished work!
Phone (860) 283-8055
Ultraleather Fire Retardant Aviation Quality
Just in a fresh batch of Ultraleather Smaller rolls which are aviation certified meaning they pass all fire retardant testing and certifications. These rolls come in a variety of sizes (1-4 yards) and a large variety of colors. These are First Cuts just put into smaller pieces. Do not miss out on this great opportunity to put the highest quality,best deal material,in your plane or private jet. This material can be used for any purpose you use regular ultraleather for! Find some available colors throughout the page! Also please check out the excel sheet provided below for available rolls and sizes OR go to our eBay tab in the menu and check out our available inventory! Inventory is subject to change DAILY, so do not miss out on these great deals!
Please call and check for available inventory, stock changes daily!

Ultraleather Artic #5684

Ultraleather Admiral #2556

Ultraleather Almond #3599

Ultraleather ChinaWhite# 3708

Ultraleather Classic Grey

Ultraleather Ermine#5805

Ultraleather Polar#5815

Ultraleather RavenWing#5607

Ultraleather Milkweed

Ultraleather Schooner#5806